Scientific Achievement
Researchers in the NEMM program resolved the 3D spin textures in an individual magnetic skyrmion with nanoscale spatial resolution using soft X-ray laminography and determined depth dependent profiles of topological and magnetic parameters.
Significance and Impact
Magnetic skyrmions are considered as potential candidates for next generation computational approaches and high resolution magnetic nanometrology in 3D will provide crucial information towards realization.
Research Details
- Created a 3D skyrmion in a nanopatterned 800nm diameter 95nm thick Ir/Co/Pt magnetic multilayer disk
- Recorded a full tomogram with ~20nm resolution with soft X-ray laminography at the Co L3 edge
- Determined quantitative depth profiles of the topological winding number, domain wall characters, and fundamental magnetic parameters
Publication Details
D. Raftrey, S. Finizio, R.V. Chopdekar, S. Dhuey, T. Bayaraa, P. Ashby, J. Raabe, T. Santos, S. Griffin, P. Fischer, Science Advances (2024).
Work was performed in part at both the Molecular Foundry.