Scientific Achievement
Researchers in the Van der Waals Heterostructures Program observed a new electronic phase, the Wigner molecular crystals, emerging from multi-electron moiré artificial atoms.
Significance and Impact
Strong interactions give rise to an array of Wigner molecules in the moire superlattice, known as the Wigner molecular crystal. This new electronic phase can give rise to novel electronic and spin physics that has never been explored previously.
Research Details
- Developed a new STM technique, termed band edge tunnel current spectroscopy, that allows for non-invasive real space imaging of electron crystals
- Wigner molecular crystals are observed for both electron and hole doped twisted bilayer tungsten disulfide moiré superlattices
- The Wigner molecular crystal is highly tunable through mechanical strain, moiré period, and carrier charge type
Publication Details
H. Li, Z Xiang, A.P. Reddy, T. Devakul, R. Sailus, R. Banerjee, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, S. Tongay, A. Zettl, L. Fu, M.F. Crommie, F. Wang, Science (2024)